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17 Ergebnisse.


Alexander, M. C.
Most major religions teach that revenge is wrong, and that God will accordingly repay those who do good or evil. But whose job is it to ensure that God's justice on earth is carried out? Alessandra Genovese is a student at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. She laments the cruelty of the general public. She wants to know that people will suffer the consequences of their evil deeds. A woman named Gabrielle overhears, a...

CHF 24.90

Libro para colorear de aviones y helicópteros para niños

Alexander, M. C.
Libro para colorear de aviones y helicópteros para niños
Un libro para colorear de aviones y helicópteros perfecto para niños de 4 a 8 años. Este libro para colorear para niños está lleno de hermosos aviones y helicópteros. Un maravilloso libro para colorear que a cualquier niño le encantará colorear y rellenar. Este adorable conjunto de páginas para colorear de Aviones y Helicópteros es la actividad perfecta para una fiesta de cumpleaños de Aviones y Helicópteros.- ¡Un magnífico libro de actividade...

CHF 16.90

It Takes a Village: The Integration of the Hillburn Schoo...

Alexander, Leonard M. / Alexander, Peter C.
It Takes a Village: The Integration of the Hillburn School System
When people think of segregated schools in America, particularly before the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision, cities and towns in the South immediately come to mind. There were, however, segregated schools districts in the North as well. Hillburn, New York is a quiet little village with approximately one thousand residents, just forty miles northwest of New York City. For decades, it was also a community divided by race with two g...

CHF 17.90

Elementary Geometry for College Students

Alexander, Daniel C. / Koeberlein, Geralyn M.
Elementary Geometry for College Students
ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS, 7th Edition, is designed to help students develop a comprehensive vocabulary of geometry, an intuitive and inductive approach to the development of principles, and strong deductive skills to solve geometry-based real-world applications. Over 150 new exercises provide additional practice in writing proofs. Available with access to WebAssign, an online study tool that helps students master the course con...

CHF 116.00

Interpreting Clifford Geertz

Alexander, Jeffrey C / Smith, Philip / Norton, M.
Interpreting Clifford Geertz
Theorist Clifford Geertz's influence extends far beyond Anthropology. This volume reflects the breadth of his influence, looking at Geertz as a theorist rather than as an anthropologist. To date there has been no impartial, comprehensive, and authoritative work published on this critical figure.

CHF 74.00

Die Krankheiten des Gehörorgans

Alexander, G. / Hegener, J. / Hinsberg, V. / Lederer, L. / Mann, M. / Meyer, Max / Nühsmann, Th. / Oertel, B. / Scheibe, A. / Schilling, R. / Schlander, E. / Stenger, P. / Beck, O. / Benjamins, C. E. / Blohmke, A. / Brock, W. / Brühl, G. / Cemach, A. J. / Eschweiler, R. / Goerke, M.
Die Krankheiten des Gehörorgans
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologisc...

CHF 71.00

Ek¿em · Dermatitis Pruritus · Prurigo · Strophulus Neurod...

Alexander, A. / Kreibich, C. / Winkler, M. / Winkler, F. / Unna, P. G.
Ek¿em · Dermatitis Pruritus · Prurigo · Strophulus Neurodermitis·Seborrhoisches Ek¿em
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologisc...

CHF 71.00

Terrestrial Rare Gases

Alexander Jr, E C / Ozima, M.
Terrestrial Rare Gases
Physical and chemical studies of the earth and planets along with their sur­ roundings are now developing very rapidly. As these studies are of essentially international character, many international conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops are held every year. To publish proceedings of these meetings is of course important for tracing development of various disciplines of earth and plane­ tary sciences though publishing is fast getting t...

CHF 130.00

La costruzione del male. Dall'olocausto all'11 settembre

Alexander, Jeffrey C. / Santoro, M. / Solaroli, M.
La costruzione del male. Dall'olocausto all'11 settembre
Perché l'orrore non cessa di abitare il mondo? Perché la ferocia degli uomini ci appare inesauribile? Perché una guerra si conclude mentre un'altra comincia? Molte delle risposte a questi interrogativi sono date in termini di bene e di male. Per dimostrare che la battaglia contro il terrorismo è necessaria e razionale, ad esempio, si ricorre a "retoriche" del buono e del malvagio, dell'amico e del nemico, dell'orgoglio e della vergogna, della ...

CHF 29.50

Milioni di farfalle

Alexander, Eben / Dallavalle, M. C.
Milioni di farfalle
Mi ritrovai in un mondo completamente nuovo. Il mondo più bello e più strano che avessi mai visto... Luminoso, vibrante, estatico, stupefacente. C'era qualcuno vicino a me: una bella fanciulla dagli zigomi alti e dagli occhi intensi. Eravamo circondati da milioni di farfalle, ampi ventagli svolazzanti che si immergevano nel paesaggio verdeggiante per poi tornare a volteggiare intorno a noi. Non fu un'unica farfalla ad apparire, ma tutte insiem...

CHF 21.00